MIL visiting for the holidays... rant

So I work in a high stress and fast paced work environment and don’t really get much time off. But, for Christmas our company gave us a well deserved week off (Dec 25- Jan 2nd). My MIL and her husband decided to come over for the holidays and arrived the evening of Dec 24th. When she arrived she came in coughing and had a runny nose. I knew this woman was sick but she kept blaming her “allergies”. I have a 2 month old premature baby and I have become a lot more aware of people and their illnesses. But, I decided to ignore my mom instinct and tried to trust that she puts the baby’s health first and not be selfish. Yesterday (Dec 27th) this woman wakes up even worse ( diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) and my baby woke up with a runny nose, fussy, and with a slight cough. I am very angry and quite frankly disappointed for a few reasons. 1. She was sick and still visited (she doesn’t live very far away so she could have seen the baby and her son another time) 2. She got my baby sick 3. The virus she had progressed and hasn’t gone home. 4. I don’t get a lot of time off and want alone time with my husband and our baby

I know my 3rd reason sounds insensitive but, I am a worried first time mom and my baby was born prematurely so his immune system is a little weaker than full term babies. As a result of her actions, I feel like I can no longer trust her around my baby. It’s common sense to not visit someone if you are sick and they have a newborn. The fact that she actively came over and is still here is baffling to me. I hope she goes home today and I hope my baby gets better.

Her husband is perfectly healthy btw so he can drive.