Supplement cocktail before and after BFP?


I’m waiting to see my dr to confirm my BFP. After our 3rd TTC we’re pregnant! Im a FTM at 37 and I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t taking anything to harm my baby.

Here’s what I took before ovulation:

- baby aspirin

- 2000 mg Vitex

- 100 mg B6

- 2000 mg Inositol

- Prenatal Vitamins

- B-50 complex

- D3

- B12

- Zinc

- CoQ10

- Vitamin C

- Omega 3 (fish oil)

- Magnesium

- mucinex

- I also stopped drinking coffee or any source of caffeine

After Ovulation and after confirmed BFP:

- baby aspirin

- 100 mg B6

- 2000 mg Inositol

- Prenatal Vitamins

- B-50 complex

- D3

- B12

- Zinc

- CoQ10

- Vitamin C

- Omega 3 (fish oil)

- Magnesium

- Selenium

- Ate a whole pineapple over the course of 6 days after ovulation and wore socks to sleep and used a diva cup after BD this last cycle 😂

- Still no coffee 😔

Should I stop taking any of these?