Please give me your advice!!!! What would you do?


I just found out that my baby most likely has a dairy and or soy allergy. He had a little streak of blood in his soiled diaper so we took him to the pediatrician. They tested his stool for a dairy/soy allergy and it came back negative. However, a few days later he had another diaper with some tiny streaks of blood again. The pediatrician said if it happens again then I should cut out dairy and soy. Okay- no problem! I’ll do anything for my little guy. The problem I have is I start back at work this Thursday and all of my pumped milk in the freezer is from when I was eating dairy and soy. The pediatrician said I would need to get rid of that milk. This means I have no milk to leave for him on my first day of work. Right now I am pumping after every single nursing session but I am giving him that milk because he doesn’t have a good latch and he wasn’t gaining good weight from breastfeeding alone. So I have to supplement with pumped milk. My supply isn’t good enough to set aside any new milk for him. (I’m working on this too- eating lots of oats drinking lots of water and coconut water)

Should I:

1. Give him milk from the freezer on my first day back to work even though it’s from when I was eating dairy and soy

2. Give him dairy free formula that has corn syrup (48%) as the main ingredient 😩 😖I’m really struggling with the thought of feeding him corn syrup but there are NO good dairy free options for formula.

I’m so stressed over this! What should I do?