Induced earlier


So I was contracting really bad at 3am. I came in to l&d my aunt made the comment “she’s in labor” a nurse responded “she doesn’t look like it” and my aunt gave her this death look and said “she needs to be checked now” so I check in and they get me situated. I get hooked up to the monitor sure enough I was contracting 6x every minute. The nurses were in shock because I was handling it so well. I told them I had a really high pain tolerance and I was becoming uncomfortable. So they check me I was 2cm, but were worried because I was contracting so much and it was affecting baby’s oxygen. So they get me the oxygen mask and I’m on it for 1 hr. They put me in different positions, but baby wasn’t responding well. Finally I was basically on my back but angled some. Baby’s breathing got better and they had to give me something to slow down my contractions because “you’re contracting too much and baby needs a break” they went ahead and admitted me because I was already scheduled for induction on Monday 12/30 at 6am due to measuring small. My contractions slowed down a lot for almost 2 hours so they decided to start Pitocin. It didn’t take long for them to start back up. So baby will be here soon they think late tonight or sometime tomorrow.