Getting baby clothes for a specific gender before TTC?

My husband and I have a daughter and are planning to start trying for our second baby in three months. We will be happy just to have a second healthy baby but would be awesome surprise if it turned out to be a boy!

So a friend of mine was going to throw away tons of boy clothes she had from her son (like 4 giant bags full), and I told her I’d take them instead.. in case the next baby is a boy for us. Is that crazy of me?!

We are in a very tight budget and have no boy clothes at all so I felt like I should hold onto the clothes bc it’s so expensive to buy everything new! And if we end up not having a boy the next baby, I can then donate them at that point.

My husband thinks I’m a little crazy for holding onto the clothes... but I think I’m just being budget conscious. Please tell me honestly if I am but please don’t be too harsh 😫😂

Thank you all for the responses, I feel better about my decision to hold on to them now 🥰