

Hello ladies. I just wanted to ask what are symptoms that you may have felt before ever knowing you have GD? A few times during pregnancy while out and about I have almost fainted. One time I actually did! It was scary. I start by feeling the back of my head in the base like at the top of my neck feel heavy and tingly. I suddenly become hott, and start feeling very lightheaded. The very first time I ignored it and kept trying to walk. When I did that the sunlight made everything feel worse. My whole sight got bright and blurry, next thing I know I tried to grab a chair to sit and apparently it was farther then I seen so that’s when I blacked out. That was around 15 weeks maybe. Luckily I caught myself so I didn’t fall on my stomach. After that I ate food and I felt better. It took a while to go away but I was embarrassed. A few other times it happened again but I learned what it feels like and would sit down immediately. I explained all this to my grandfather who has always had diabetes, and he said it’s what he has felt also before so chances are I have it. I requested a one hour test around 20 weeks that I passed. In about a week and half I need to take the 3 hr one and I’m worried. I’ve read that sometimes the babies weigh bigger earlier on. And I’ve been out of breath more and feeling heavy at 27 weeks. At my anatomy scan on 11/25/19 she weighed 1.9lbs which glow said she would be weighing this past week so I’m wondering if that has anything to do with the possibility I have GD.