Yeast infection? Herpes? Excessive wiping?

I have 2 cuts that are below my vaginal opening and before my anus. They are red and bleed when I wipe. They also burn slightly when I urinate. I started itching around thanksgiving and tried monistat 7 with little relief. I gave it a week break before trying the cream again. Second time, same results .. little relief. I assumed it was a yeast infection because I had thick white/yellow discharge that didn’t have an odor but after reading “Dr. Google” I am really concerned now. Has anyone ever had this with a yeast infection?! I see my gyno ~every 6 months because of other problems but she has never mentioned the thought that she thinks I have any STI. I do have an appointment this week but I can’t wait.

Back story: I had oral sex with a guy back in 2014 (stupid me, I know). He was the last guy that I’ve had sexual encounters with. I’ve been celibate since that encounter and I’ve had 3 episodes like the explained above within this year alone. I know herpes can show up late but I’m prayingggggg that’s not what this is. I’m thinking it may just be that the skin is thin and fragile down there right now and I may have wiped too hard which has caused the break.

Please help!