Should public schools make vaccines mandatory for eligibility? (Religion, or medical conditions exempt with proof)

Kiara • Just married! Young mom with a one year old!❤️ Dec. 23, 2018 Pregnant with 🌈 baby

NOT TRYING TO START A BIG ARGUMENT! I just want to hear others opinions! I live in a small town in Alaska and the law requires “...that all children in Alaska public/private schools and child care facilities be immunized unless he/she is exempted or immune. This form is required to be on file at the school, preschool, or child care facility if religious exemption is applicable”. Our school system is very relaxed with this. They’re not breaking any laws, but parents who don’t want to vax their kids will get their doctor to sign off to become exempt.

Now, before anyone gets mad, I don’t mind if your antivax. Not for religion or medical reasons. If you don’t want your child vaccinated that’s your choice! I just believe that in public schools, just because you don’t want your child vaccinated it does not make them eligible for exemption.

Now I also know I can’t protect my child from EVERY little thing. And I’m not trying to. But I live on a tiny island, where one flu (brought just as easy as someone flying into town for a day) can last for months. It has gotten so bad that people/children have gone to the ER. It’s SO frightening having a baby where I live, who is not old enough to get certain shots. For example, there was a huge measles out break that traveled from NY to Alaska within months. Baby’s die from that. Because babies can only get the vaccine from 12+, my daughter was only 7 months.

Anyway tell me what you think.

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