Baby’s dad too lazy to get his vaccinations

posted in another group as I just need advice

The midwifes advised us that we should stick to the “No Vax, No Visit”. As baby’s immune system can be weak in the early stages and there’s a chance mine will be born/induced earlier than expected as her growth might be slowing down. I’m officially due the end of next month (jan) but possibly earlier if induced.

My “boyfriend” (using quotes because I’ve just found out a day ago he’s been unfaithful and I’ve told him its over and not to contact me) has still not gotten his vaccines. Despite him saying he will. He is just lazy and hasn’t. He knows all visitors should have it done.

We no longer live together. He hasn’t paid for anything baby related. And I honestly don’t see him being involved in the babies life because he is just lazy and being involved would require effort. I have told him he can walk away if he wants and I wouldn’t chase after him for money or anything. But he says he wants to marry me and be a family (which will never happen because he can’t stay loyal or truthful)

I have encouraged him to go get the vaccinations and he agreed that the vaccinations are a good idea. Yet he’s never gotten around to it, and I don’t think he will. He’s been too lazy to fill out his paperwork for the hospital about his own medical history for the baby and I had to get his parents to help me fill it out. And hasn’t come to any doctors appointments.

My question is - if he still has not gotten the vaccinations by the time the baby is born, can I refuse that he sees her till she gets her vaccines?

As he could be potentially putting her at risk through his own laziness.

- will I get in trouble for not letting him see the baby?

- do I have to tell the hospital I’m not comfortable with him (or anyone) seeing the baby without vaccinations?

He won’t be in the room when I give birth because I’m honestly not comfortable with him being around when I’m in that kind of vulnerable state. He knows this already

I’m not trying to deny him from seeing his child. If he had the vaccinations, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s just the possibility of her being born early and I don’t want to put her at risk. His family and my own have got their vaccinations because they knew we were standing by the “No Vax, No Visit”.


In response to comments: it’s the whooping cough vaccine