Tried a situationship 🥴 Story

So I was seeing this guy for about 2 months and everything was great! I could honestly see myself dating him. I told myself I wouldn’t have sex with him, trying to do things different......But like a naive girl, I gave into him about a month after knowing him. It was the abs and chocolate skin 🤧😩( we’re both models). Anyway everything was perfect in the beginning except for the sex part. I discovered that he had a small penis. But I don’t judge. You know what they say “it’s not always about the size, but about the motion in the ocean” And so we had sex 🤦🏽‍♀️, he came fast and he could never get me to orgasm🙄. ( Sidenote: before we had sex, I had been on a sexual hiatus for about 3 months) so quite naturally I felt as though I waisted my time because for 1: I really liked him and 2: I had broke a promise to myself. Anyway to continue, we had sex a few times after but it wasn’t great. Still no orgasm on my end and it just seemed like he wasn’t in much effort to get me to one😪. Like I always got him there and ladies I WASNT EVEN TRYING THAT HARD. Anywho, things have changed between us and I’ve developed so many insecurities because of it. “Like was it me?” “Why couldn’t I get an orgasm?” or the other worry like “Lord does this situation make me less worthy of eventually finding a husband?” (Guilty, my family is a bit traditional in morals so there is always the judgement because I chose to have sex before marriage...But IM 22 for crying out loud! 🗣🙄) This dating ish is annoying. Just gonna get a vibrator and call it a day. I just needed a place to vent. Has anyone else been a situation like this?