Letting off steam: stupid baby gifts given out situation

***This is a rant. I do appreciate people’s sentiments behind the gifts, and am very grateful that so many people care about us and our baby to gift us so much. But I’m using this safe place to vent about the secondary train of thoughts I have when people give me things....***

Our baby has major genetic problems. And is going to be very small, probably born prematurely, and with an incredibly low survival expectation.

Of all the damn things.... why do you think buying us a high chair is necessary?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤔 We need preemie baby clothes, blankets, nursing pillow. Even a bassinet at this point seems just sad to buy because we might not get to use it.

But a frickin’ high chair? .... It’s not like my mother in law is unaware of our situation and what could happen. And also, 6 month old baby clothes?? For real!? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

I do appreciate the thought behind it. But there is stuff we actually need. And I don’t need a nursery/museum full of stuff our child will never be able to use.

Just lots of mixed emotions I needed to let out without offending anyone. 😣