Does he like me?

Last year I ran into this guy who works very close to where I used to live. I would see him frequently, almost every morning. He actually worked in the same building where I lived. At the time, I was in an abusive relationship (married) and was always frustrated, insecure, moody, and generally unhappy.

So, every time I would run into him, he would greet me and hold the door of the yard for me. I was very insecure (at the time I was going through some really difficult times questioning everything about myself due to constant emotional abuse) so I felt uncomfortable having any contact with random new people, and I would just coyly respond to his greeting, avoiding to look him in the eyes.

However, there was always this strange feeling I had when we would meet. It would be sparks all over the place. He would look into my soul with his eyes, was very relaxed although he aleays seemed busy.

After some time, when I would have intercourse with my ex I would actually imagine this guy and I really enjoyed it.

So, a whole year and a half went by and this last summer I decided to file for divorce. I am a very loyal person, even though I was down to zero in self-esteem and completely attached to my abusive husband as a consequence of constant abuse which made it even harder to leave this relationship, I still managed to do it.

So, after breaking up with my ex, one day I ran into him and just decided I was going to finally look him in the eye and smile. I also decided I wasn't going to just leave it at the greeting but would add a "thanks" for holding the door for me.

This guy had even seen me several times with my ex husband. He knew I was with someone.

So, yeah, we would just randomly run into each other while he was working and me going grocery shopping or whatever. But, all the time, I had this strange but amazing feeling of attraction and chemistry between us. One day as I was approaching my building I saw him in the distance approaching his car and I realized he was just standing there staring at me, like, he literally turned around to look at me when he noticed me. But, I was carrying groceries and he was far away so it seemed a little bit more than obvious if I waved now and whatevs... out of the context of my building... well, it would... anyway, I was shy so I just pretended I didn't see him.

This is long, so bare with me because apart from the strong chemistry I feel around him, I am clueless as to whether he likes me or not. Feel like a teenager.

So, a week later, I asked a friend to help me move out, so when I ran into him I just stroke a conversation regarding me carrying stuff and commenting on how every time I run into him he is always the one carrying something.

But, right there, I realized how comfortable I felt around him despite the fact that I am a very shy person and obviously have very low self-esteem and self-confidence.

So, then, he just kept appearing that entire afternoon as my friend and I were carrying my furniture and stuff. Always just winking or acknowledging me and smiling although he didn't have to do that (this is Austria I am talking about, so ppl are generally cold and reserved). So, at one point, he is standing by the entrance door to my building and is staring at me with a huge smile just standing there waiting for me to climb the stairs which lead to where he was. I mean there was enough space for both of us and I was just going back to my apartment for some more items, so my hands were empty; he could've just gone through the door. Still, as I came to the door, both of us staring at each other, he said: "so, you're leaving us?" (singular "you") and I was so nervous and shy because of the way he looked at me, that I just said with a huge smile on my face "yes" to which he added: "everyone goes there where it is better for them" and I was dumb, clueless to what to say so I just smiled and left.

That evening I left a note for him on the door to his office saying: "hey, this is (my name), the one that moved out. Just wanted to give you my number in case I miss the noise (there was some strange machine there in his office connected to the basement which he and other guys from his company would use to lift some heavy things, etc.and as it was really loud, everyone was bothered by the noise) you can record it and send it to me here (and wrote down my number)."

Later in the evening I came back and took the note because I thought maybe I was just imagining things and he was just polite... even worse, he could be married...

Have ever since left Vienna for holidays, but have lately been thinking about him again. I don't know why, but I just like thinking about him, fantasizing about us having sex or just having fun together. And today I thought "well I don't know his name, but at least I know where he works". So, now I am thinking about going to that neighborhood again once I am back in Vienna and just hope I randomly run into him...

God, I am so confused... no idea... it could all just be in my head.

So, what do you all think? Is there a chance he might be into me?

Any suggestions how I could approach him without looking desperate... I'd really want to know if he likes me.