TMI pics...please help

Okay so last month I started my cycle extremely early. Today I use the bathroom and this is what I wipe away from my cooch.

I posted my calendar and I’m wondering what everyone’s thoughts are. I’m praying this is not the start of my cycle. To note...last night I was lying in bed and I had a sharp pain in my stomach that went down to my feet and hit my butt. It was just a pain that hit and went away. I also have been having pains in my leg where it attaches to my pelvic bone. I thought I just needed to pop it. I haven’t had any weird cravings, or peeing a lot or anything out of the ordinary.

What I wiped away was looked like sperm with a little blood in it and it’s brownish as well. Please insight on this would be greatly appreciated! Check my BMI As well...I really don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to this.
