Mother in law!

So my mother in law lives abroad and shes decided to come over 2 weeks before my due date, right over mine and my husbands birthdays as well, my other 2 children have both been 2 weeks late so I'm dreading her being here just as I give birth! All I want to do is chill with my family and get a routine going once baby is here. But all shes bothered about is going out and having a massive piss up and 'wetting the babies head' I'm stressing out about her coming over. She drives me nuts at the best of times! I just know shes going to cause arguments already. Is it that much to ask to just be on our own so we can have that special just born stage and establish breastfeeding/pumping ect. That I dont want to be doing with her breathing down my neck.

This is likely to be my last baby so everything this time will be 'the last time' if you get me? So it's all so precious to me. Im so annoyed at the date shes decided to come over, with out even asking and it's not like she will be overly bothered about the baby she will coo over it for a bit but it will wear off pretty damn quick with her! Gahhhhh she winds me up so much.

Oh and my husband knows how annoying she is too it's not just me 🤣