I’m just a failure.

I feel like I am a bad mom. I hate cooking....it’s not enjoyable for me and my bf doesn’t help me with cooking ever so it’s stresses me out to always try and make dinner and come up with ideas. I wish I loved it so I could make my family nice meals that aren’t the same things every other week. I work a lot and feel like I don’t have energy to do things with my kids when I get home. I always have tons of laundry and never have energy to do it all. I feel stupid all the time. I feel like I’m constantly told I’m not doing good at being a mom when something happens or I choose to give my kids something that isn’t the greatest for them to eat. I feel like I don’t make my SO happy anymore. He doesn’t compliment me, he doesn’t tell me I’m doing great or say he is proud of me. He gives me the silent treatment when he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. I feel especially alone during those times. I don’t get to hear him say I’m a great mom. I try. I love my kids. I love my SO. I feel like I’m not enough. Maybe sometimes I create arguments and I take fault for that. I feel like my kids don’t get the mommy they need or want. Idk what to do anymore. I feel lost. I’m thousands of miles from home. I have no one else. No friends. No family. Just me. Anyways, thanks for listening. I hope everyone has a better New Years than me!