Gender disappointment?

Anyone feel disappointed after their gender reveal?

This is #2. A second girl. In my heart I was hoping for a boy. Few reasons, I'm always told boys are so much different than girls, that the bond is different and wanted to experience it myself. We always said 2 kids was enough.Also I had a traumatic birth with baby girl so that's really put a damper on me wanting more kids. I'm scared to have a similar situation with #2 and honestly think if it's like that I might just say tie my tubes too. But in the same sense I don't feel like our family is "complete" without a little boy. I've always wanted a boy. And I kind of thought I'd get one of each. Silly I know but my sister and cousin both got 1 of each and I was naive in thinking it would be like that for us too. I already had a name picked that I said is would use either gender but now I'm second guessing cuz "what If we try for 3 and it's a boy and that name was "your boy". I'm sure I'll get hate cuz " you should be grateful to have any child some people struggle to get pregnant or cant get pregnant." But I cant change the little bit of disappointment niggling away in my heart.