Attention deprived?


I just had a baby 11/27/19 and I feel as if my husband let’s too much time pass by before checking on the baby and I. Currently I am in LA and he flew home a few days ago to go back to work. And you would think he would call or message more then once a day to see how his wife and kids are? I sincerely don’t even want to go back home because prior to our trip, he would be down stairs on his video games and check on us ever few hours or so. Mind you, I have PPD and high blood pressure. If anything happened to me, he probably wouldn’t even know for a while. The constant feeling of being alone doesn’t help the PPD either. Which he tells me that I have to control. Because it’s that easy right?!

He makes sure we eat and he will ask me if I need anything when he does check on me which is nice but it’s in between video games. And if I ask for anything during the video game, he says “ok but after this game.”

WTF did I do? I feel as if I married a teenager. I don’t want to constantly being this up but I don’t know what else to do. I love my husband but I don’t want to get on the plane with out two kids to go back to that.