Should I have doctor re-scan my baby after private scan?

So please no rude comments I’m a first time mom to be my first pregnancy ended in a mc around 6 weeks. So this pregnancy I’m a worry rat and My baby is a <a href="">ivf</a> baby so we tried so hard for her and she means everything to me. Well I had scans done at 6+1 weeks 7 weeks 9+ 1days all preformed by my doctor well I had worried after my last scan and decided to do a “private scan” at 10weeks about a week from my last scan at the doctors. which is a imaging center where all they do is the ultrasounds I didn’t think much at the time. And didn’t ask my doctor about it I just had a few friends say they were doing privates so I was like why not long story short everything was great she measured a day ahead so 10+1 and I worry now because I feel the scan was a little linger then it is traditionally at the doctors atleast maybe 3-5 minutes. The tech was really nice and I’m sure she’s been doing it for a while but I started reading online how the private scans could be harmful to baby or if not done by a actual doctor. So I’m just wondering if I should call my doctor and tell him Ive had a private scan done and I’m worried if it affected her in any way and possibly if he could check on her?