Ugh...clogged duct...

Tiffany • Vegas Native ✨ | LEOW 💙 | Mom of 3 👧🏼👦🏼👧🏼| Home and Natural Birth Advocate 💕

So my 3 week old has done two 5-6 hour stretches overnight in the last 3 days and I’ve got a clogged duct. It’s on my lazy boob too! It hurts like a MFr. I was able to get some relief by massage in the shower earlier but it’s still there. I manually pumped after my shower too instead of using my electric one cuz it was just way to painful this morning. I’m going to stay like clock work (hopefully) on my pumping today instead of giving myself a 30 minute buffer like I have been.

Besides heat and massage and frequent pumping any other suggestions? I REALLY don’t want to get mastitis. 😭