I don’t want the MMR for my daughter but I’m being forced into it

I live in NY State. There’s no religious exemptions here anymore and I really don’t want to homeschool her. She’s 3 and already tells me she wants to go to school. She’s very outgoing and social and I’d honestly be sad for her if I kept her home. She did get her baby shots (spaced out) which I honestly never liked the idea of but chose to do them. She hasn’t gotten the Varicella or MMR yet because I hate the ingredients in them the most and I’ve always questioned whether the MMR was responsible for me developing an autoimmune disease at such a young age. I know I have 2 copies of the MTHFR mutation so she most likely has at least 1. I don’t know what to do. My husband is against moving because of his job and the fact that our family is here but I don’t want to risk her health..

Her doctor said I could get 1 of each vaccine (instead of 2) and then have a titer done to make sure she’s immune but I still don’t want that

My husband isn’t educated on vaccines and I have no one else to talk through this with me. I’ve honestly been so upset about this and feel like I’m failing to protect her..