Breastfeeding and supplementing

If you’ve been breastfeeding and also supplementing for four weeks (baby is a month old)...and your milk has already leveled or whatever (I forget the term) is it too late to bring your supply up and get it back to EBF possibly? I’m disappointed in myself for supplementing but my baby is literally on the boob 24/7 otherwise and I have two other children to care for and a busy schedule...I haven’t really been pumping and when I have I barely get any but I’m trying to get my head back in the game!! Is it too late? He probably eats equal amount of formula and breast milk throughout the day but my breast rarely leak or get hard...I’m not too knowledgeable on it honestly so I’m not sure what all this means but I enjoy the bonding experience and I don’t wanna end up regretting it by letting it go...