Telling my husband and our story

Michaela • Highschool sweethearts❤Dating 9/9/2010❤Engaged 6/16/2018❤Married 8/24/2019❤1st baby 8/19/2020❤2nd baby 11/7/2021❤Due November 2023

Told my husband yesterday! This is our first baby!

We've been together since I was a sophomore in high school and he was a junior. We started dating almost as soon as we met though I had been eyeing him for a while. 😉

He brought me to his house on our 3rd day of dating to play games with his family during spring break. He was my first serious boyfriend and first family I had met. They were all super nice and connected instantly. A couple house later he dropped me off at home (my parents lived about 10 minutes away)

He texted me as soon as he got home, apparently his mom thought the spelling of my name was unique and only knew of 1 person who spelt it like that and she was curious what my moms name was. I was confused when I got the text asking what my moms name was? It's been 3 dates why does he want to know? But I told him. And he responded, ask your mom if she knows my mom.

I asked my mom and she just about flipped. She proceeded to tell me about how his mom and my mom worked together at the same place 15 years prior... while they were both pregnant with each of mom drove his mom to the hospital when she thought she was going into labor with him!

We are 5 months apart in age.

After he was born his family moved twice and my family moved once causing them to lose touch.

15 years later he and I met in the same high school gym class!!

We dated for 8 years when he FINALLY asked me to marry him. He had secretly been teaching himself to play guitar for a few months and played a song to purpose to me.

14 months later we were married 💕

August 24th 2019

After the wedding we instantly were going to try for kids. I was terrified because I had struggled with irregular periods since getting off birth control and was worried my IUD messed me up. I've heard so many stories of unable to conceive, miscarriages and fertility help that I was so scared to try.

I tracked EVERYTHING from bbt to ovulation all the bells and whistles for 3 months. I know that's not that long but it was hard.

The only thing my husband has always wanted out of life is to have kids. Not to travel experience things, just kids and I felt that I couldn't give that to him.

December I decided I wouldn't track. Partly because i was busy and partly because i had given up a bit.

Well December was our month.

I'm still terrified I'll lose the baby but it's always been in Gods hands and I still have a wonderful man