Someone please help .. BC question.. Pregnant ??😰


So I’ve been on BC ( Lo Leostrin Fe ) for about a few months now and I’m usually pretty good about taking it at the same time everyday.. sometimes it would be between 30-45 min late or I fluctuate the time on accident.. thinking that’s not a big deal but I do take it everyday. My fiancé came home from the army for the holidays and I took my pill later than usual that night I picked him up from the airport and took my pill as soon as we got home. I made sure to take it first before we did anything and for the rest of the week I made sure to take it at the exact same time everyday. I didn’t know if the fluctuating of time would affect the pill? I’m hoping I don’t get pregnant from this.. even if I haven’t missed 1 day taking it.. can someone help?