i don’t know if I should be worried

i am suppose to get my period this week, preferably today since I am on the pill and it’s the placebo week. I have gotten mild cramping, a lot of pooping, i was very tired on New Year’s <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, my hips hurt very badly, and I can barely sleep now. However, I am experiencing signs of a cold- chills, body aches, running nose, itchy eyes, headache. I was wondering if there is a chance that my period is coming since it is the placebo week and I have not had vaginal sex at all this month. I’ve only done fingering. I consider myself perfect with this pill because it take it at 10:30 on the dot. any suggestions? I can not afford to have kids right now I’m only 17!