Pray for my baby please


I hope it’s not too much to ask I know a lot of you mamas are busy but I was wondering if you can please pray for my son. His name is Michael and he’s 7 months old. I’m crying typing this because I feel so helpless as a mother and all I can do is pray that the lord heals him quick. but he’s really sick. He caught a nasty virus that gave him a terrible cough, he’s now weezing and is having a hard time breathing, and his oxygen levels are low. I am scared to leave his side when he’s sleeping for the fear that he might stop breathing from him coughing so much. He coughs so much and hard to the point where he throws up while trying to sleep. His doctor put him on steroids and an inhaler but it seems to not be doing much. We will be going back to the doctors tomorrow morning in hopes for a better solution. Praying to god we will find one.

I know some are not religious but if you can just send positive vibes my way that would be very much appreciated also 💕

Thank you 🙏🏽

My boy before he got sick🥰

Him now ☹️ he just wants mommy. I practically live with my boob in his mouth most of the time now, it’s the only way he’s not so fussy