Paranoid about STD...

Ok ladies, I whored it up on New Years <a href="">Eve</a> and slept with 2 differ guys in the same night. I’ve never done that before. I’ve only slept with 4 guys in my entire life and they are 2 of them. They assured me they were clean and we used condoms. Except the first guy I slept with.... his condom came off inside of me. Now he is in the military so I feel he is trust worthy when he says he’s clean. The second guy I fucked actually fucked me so roughly that I bled.

Neither of them made me cum though so I made myself cum last night. I think it’s this that has made me so sore down there today. I wouldn’t be showing signs of an STD already would I? Like it’s most likely just from having too much sex and stuff right? Like it doesn’t burn or anything, I’m just sore. I’ve been sore like this after though.