babyproofing cube organizer


so we are going to be in this apartment for one more year and I dont want to buy anymore furniture until we move to our house. but we got tired of hanging out on the floor in my sons play room, so we moved his play room here. lol we never use a tv but thought the shelf looks weird without it, so we brought it in from storage. anyways, my son pulls the cords behind it. what can I do? I thought about getting some square ikea bins for the top shelf to hide the cords, but hes just going to pull down the cords :/ so this is how it used to look in his playroom..

and this is it now

I was thinking to maybe go to home depot and get a backing for it? like nail a thin piece of wood on the back to hide all the cords and plugs and all? that may be the best bet, right? my husband doesnt want to go through the hassle of doing all that ugh 😭🤦‍♀️

oh and the lamp will be moved and a rocking chair will be put there instead since the lamp isnt heavy and I can totally see it coming crashing down 🤦‍♀️