Possibly wrong gender ?


At 14 weeks and 5 days we went to an elective ultrasound appointment and were told we are having another boy 💙however with my first one we found out at our 20 week anatomy scan and their was no doubt he was a boy his private was floating straight up however with the second one I didn’t see anything similar and he took a few minutes because the legs were closed and he said the placenta was on top making it harder as he was looking he didn’t show us what he was looking and he just said ready for the gender “ it’s a boy clearly saw “ scrotum “so it’s a boy I asked to see and I thought I did see it but maybe because he was so hesitant when I said are you 100%he said I’m 98 I wouldn’t tell you the gender if I wasn’t sure ! Should we wait for shopping until our 20 week anatomy scan to confirm boy ? Tell me what you guys see :)