Pregnant and don’t have any interest in engaging my family with my pregnancy 🤷🏾‍♀️


I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second child 🥰 When I was 13 weeks pregnant with my son, I told my mom by giving her a bday card with an ultrasound picture in it. Let’s just say that she wasn’t all that happy. Back story: I didn’t tell anyone before 13 weeks because at 7.5 weeks I was told my baby had Anencephaly, and it wasn’t until my 13 week ultrasound that they revealed that he actually didn’t and that I could continue my pregnancy regularly. I got this amazing news on my mom bday, which I thought would be the perfect time to tell her. For her bday, I planned her a party at painting with a twist because she never been and she’ll always compliment my paintings when I went with my gfs. The big day was finally here, her party was ready to go and I just received the best news of my life so I couldn’t wait to share with her. I purchased a card saying happy birthday and that new blessings are coming her way (PERFECT, I thought). I waiting until the end of the party as people were gathering their belongings to leave and packing food to give her the card and her initial reaction on her face wasn’t a surprised or a happy one. My dad was happy and even cried, but my mom didn’t. She eventually came over to say congratulations and to give me this fake ass hug. The next day she called me to say, “ thanks for the party and all of your hard work putting it together. But, your baby didn’t have to take my shine.” I was like, what? She was like, I’m just playing. From that day forward I told myself that I wouldn’t tell her anything else and definitely about any future pregnancies. So now, I’m not telling her about this baby she just have to put 2 and 2 together to figure it out. She has been asking and making indirect comments around me referencing pregnancy but I just ignore her 🤷🏾‍♀️ I do not care, nor do I feel that I am wrong.