Traumatic events while pregnant

I found out I was pregnant with our first baby the day after Christmas. 2 days later I found out my step father was found unresponsive and remains in a coma and things aren’t looking good. We have been hanging on to every little bit of hope just for the doctors to let us know today that he likely won’t be recovering. My mom even almost didn’t tell me what was going on in fears of stress harming the baby. This is my first time being pregnant, as well as my first time experiencing something this traumatic this close to home and I’m terrified. I’ve tried so hard to keep a level head but I just want to break down. Watching my mom go through all this is heartbreaking. I’m not ready to loose a parent. For those of you who have experienced loss while pregnant, especially early, what helped you remain calm? I know it’s important that I do, but this entire week has just been so emotional. I need advise.