Baby came early!

Tiffini • Baby #2 coming 2024 after 3 years of infertility & treatment. Baby boy, Oliver, came 5 weeks early. 2020 baby became 2019 baby. 💙

So baby’s due date was January 13, he decided that he didn’t want to wait and made his debut December 6th, 5 weeks and 3 days early. I went into labor on the 4th, went to l&d on the 5th due to bad contractions and blood, my water broke, and he came the next day (they were trying to keep him in until he hit 35 weeks, but he didn’t want to wait. Haha)

He was born completely healthy at 5lbs 2 oz and 19inches long. He had to stay in the NICU due to being a premie, but was able to come home 6 days before Christmas. He is our little miracle through and through and though I am exhausted, I am so incredibly thankful for my little boy. It’s hard to believe that he will be a month old on Monday.

Good luck to all of y’all who are due. Praying for easy labor and quick recoveries for all y’all mamas!