Ok moms I’m worried about my boyfriend.. we have a 10 day old premie and he’s just out of it


Ok so my bf is absolutely amazing he’s littelry does everything and since I’ve been healing he’s been talking Care of her a lot he wants me to be able to sleep so I can heal and feel good! And me not even thinking ..he has only slept 7 hours in 2 nights. So all day today he’s just been super zoned out and tired so I kept telling him to take a nap and he said “ no I wanna help with u and baby” he wouldn’t sleep at all but now he was going on the third day of no sleep he kept saying he felt like “zombified and zoned out” I kept telling him it’s cause he’s absolutely exhausted!! Then later on I told him to go to bed I went to pump and shower and came back to get In bed and he was talking in his sleep ( he never does) then I go to grab her (she fell sleep on him he almost hit me because I scared him grabbing her ... then he woke up and kept telling me he kept hearing someone say “nollan the baby” in a panicky voice. He started crying saying he had a nightmare he got in a car wreck then he started crying then he kept asking me if he was going crazy and he’s like “how do I know this isn’t a dream ... so I panicked told him I wanted to take him in to the er to make sure he’s ok but I got my mom and she went in and talked to him he finally calmed down and after crying he’s like “ok I’m starting to remember everything I’m feeling better now I just need sleep, so he has finally fell 😴