Tips on how to save money/stop eating out...

Ok so my boyfriend and I seem to never have any savings. It’s extremely frustrating because he has a good job. I personally do not work, I am a stay at home mama, and I also suffer from major anxiety so it stops me from holding a job down. I would be open to finding an online job eventually or even running a home daycare, but right now that’s not our main focus.

Our main focus is that whenever we have savings it seems to disappear and we are just unable to save at all. To give you a quick run down...we have a 1.5 year old, but we don’t feel like we spend that much money on him. We also get baby bonus (we live in Ontario). We currently rent a house, but we are paying as if we had our own mortgage, which again is VERY frustrating. We also have bills obviously. But I have a very basic phone plan as I am home most of the time. We only have one car. We just have Netflix/Disney+/internet, no cable. We never buy ourselves new clothing. Unless we are going out out like to a wedding or something. My son is the only one in the house that actually gets new clothes as he is growing.

So basically we don’t buy/pay for unnecessary things...except FOOD. Omg, food has been costing us a lot!!! We eat out a LOT. On top of that we buy groceries. I find we throw out a lot of food as well. Lately, I’ve been exhausted. To the point where I don’t want to do anything, I don’t have the energy, I feel overwhelmed with everything I have to do around the house, which results in me not feeling like cooking and then we eat out. How can I stop this? I suffer off and in with depression and have bad anxiety. I have horrible sleep habits as well, which ties in with everything else.

Any tips that could help me/us with saving money/eating out? For me it’s the fact that I’m so exhausted and the convenience of it. I get to spend time with my son or do something that needs to be done in the house instead of standing in the kitchen for an hour. I don’t have to worry about the mess that comes with it after either. But we just honesty can’t have this lifestyle anymore. It’s costing way too much and it’s super unhealthy.

Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.