Boyfriend making excuses.

I’ve been really irritated with my bf. He’s always willing to do everything for other people except for me. For example I wanted to go and get out the house and do something but he’d rather stay home and play video games. But when it involves his friends he’s down to go and do stuff with them. I’m out of town right now but everytime I get back our room is a complete mess. If his friend asks him to come help him clean his house, he will. He won’t even do it for our OWN ROOM. His friend and their family wanna watch a movie he’ll watch it but when I ask I practically have to beg him to watch one because he’s always on his video games with his friends 🙄. I’ve discussed this with him and he always makes excuses like we already watched a movie last week, what do you wanna do we don’t have money, I was busy I couldn’t clean the room etc. I’m just so tired of the excuses.