Tell me want you think


So, a little back story. My bf and I have been together for three years and now have a daughter who is 4 months old. Before she was born, we discussed that I would stay home with her until we felt comfortable with her going to daycare.. (probably when she could talk/walk, was older, etc.) we obviously talked about him financially supporting us and when I asked if he was ok with that he assured me 100% he was. In the beginning, I honestly had to like ask him for money and he kind of was weird about it. It was almost like he wanted me to ask him instead of assuming he would give it to me since he I knew I had bills to pay. In the total of four months he probably has given me $600... but he also gave me that to get my hair done with too... which was a little over $200. I obviously thought I would keep getting money from him to pay my bills so I did use some of it to get my hair done two months ago. The last time he gave me money was nearly two months ago. I DO have money saved up. This, he does not know about because I didn’t want to have to use all of my savings in case we don’t/didn’t work out and I needed back up money ya know. I also had a bond my mom put together for me when I was a baby and he knew about it and I decided to cash it out (a total of $5,000) to use some of it for Christmas presents for my family so he wouldn’t have to pay for them.) I intended to save the rest for the BOTH OF US to put towards a house or something in the future. I know it isn’t much. Ever since then, two months ago, he expects me to pay all of my bills myself while staying home with our daughter 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I don’t think this is fair at all. This is something we have talked about in the beginning and that he would support me and now just because I took that money out I’m expected to just pay for everything I need with no help. I don’t have any income coming in! I have no job. It’s like he just expects me to use it all until I run out I guess? I did have to use some of it for our groceries too.. I’m really upset because I bust my ass off taking care of our daughter all day and when he comes home I hardly get any help on top of it yet I’m still paying for everything myself with zero help financially. If I’m going to be paying all my bills I need a job too. Not just use up money I wanted to save until it runs out.

So, I know what you’re thinking. Get a job right? Yea.. I brought that up to him as well. I said we are going to have to talk daycare and stuff because I need to make some money. Nope. He refuses to pay for her daycare. I obviously can’t pay it myself solely, I wouldn’t make any money then. I would’ve gone 50/50 or whatever .. I’m stuck ladies! I obviously don’t want to have to have my daughter in daycare but I seriously feel like I’m just his free maid sometimes. And for those who may say talk to him, I have.. literally he doesn’t get it I guess. What should I do?

He would literally be paying LESS money to pay for my bills than paying for Daycare.