A miracle after low heart rate!


I have had 3 miscarriages. I went in for our dating scan and the Dr found a baby measuring a week behind with a hr of 100 bpm. They asked me to come back in a week. The scan a week later showed 95 bpm with growth but not what they considered enough. They also mentioned an unusual shaped sac. We were told to expect another miscarriage. I was devastated. I also experienced some mild spotting on 2 occasions. But over the next two weeks my symptoms continued and I just had this strong feeling baby was still with us. Fast forward to today.. we had our follow up scan. Baby has a strong heart rate of 169 and is measuring right on track at 7.6 weeks!!! We were shocked. We have such a strong little one who is fighting! We are not out of the woods yet, but Dr is hopeful. Please pray that our rainbow baby continues to grow and thrive!