Is my doctor wrong?


So I came I. With a lost of questions regarding my son and his doctor shot them all down basically saying I googled too much.

1- lip tie, my son has that thing and I’ve see them that it’s supposed to be removed by a doctor

My doctor told me that there’s no such thing as lip tie and that he would just run into a table about 2 years old and it’ll sever and I won’t have to worry about it... but like wtf

2 -thrush, my nipples ITCH my son has white gums and sometimes a white tongue but I can clean it and it goes away, I asked if there might be a chance we have thrush, bc my nipples are extremely sensitive, and itchy, and stuff, all he did was scrap my sons tongue and say if I can remove it it’s not thrush

3-his cold, he tells me it’s just that time of year, auction his nose and wait it out since there nothing we can give him.

I had a lot more questions but when i realized all he was going to do was shut me down and tell me i read too much on the internet I just stopped so I have a few more questions for you guys 🤷🏽‍♀️

Green mucus poop? Normal? Is it bc he’s sick?

Spitting up after feeds even when burped? Is he over eating?

Why won’t he sleep on his back. He can sleep in every position but once you put him on his back all he’ll breaks lose, help, how do I get him to sleep on his back and in his bassinet without waiting till he cries himself to sleep

He doesn’t stay up during the day, sometimes he’s up during the night too but mainly he just sleeps, why and what can I do about it, I do tummy time, and I talk to him, but at one month there not much entertainment I can give him. He doesn’t even do tummy time properly he goes straight to sleep bc he likes sleeping on his stomach so instead of exercise he sleeps, help