Why are we awake

Mia • M O M M Y 💕

My son cried until we let him play in his jumper.... at. 5am. He’s freaking jumping going crazy having fun. How do they do this?? I can barely hold my eyes open

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My son wakes up anywhere between 4:30 and 5:30 every day and there’s no putting him back down. He is up for the day and makes sure you know it. I usually just let him play for an hour or so and when I see that first yawn or eye rub, I get him down for a nap. So he’s taking a nap by the time most others are just getting up and I’m exhausted. There’s not enough coffee in the world some days.


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Jaxson does this sometimes. I'll bring him in our bed and let him play next to me while I keep sleeping or put him in the pack n play right next to our bed with some toys. He will usually fall nack asleep eventually!


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I hope you have coffee ready lol. Our daughter has to be woken up at 7am daily so she doesn’t sleep too late 😂