Positive home test, negative and then positive urine test at dr??


I’m still about 3 days from my period, only 10/11 DPO but last night took a test and it was positive!

I took actually 9 total at home, all positive.

I went to the doctor and they said it was negative, the nurse knocked and then said a minute later it was positive.

I’m SO nervous I’m going to have a miscarriage, and they scared me about it.

I’m apparently 3 weeks, 4 days pregnant, and due September 14th, 2020.

They said I’m really early, but it could also be so faint because it’s not implanted correctly and case miscarriage.

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The urine tests at the Doctors office are not as sensitive as the at home tests.


nikki • Jan 4, 2020
Your tests look fine to me. They should get darker after you miss your period. With my second daughter my tests were super faint until after I missed my period.


Posted at
It probably took a minute for their test to process a little more. Some places don’t count faint lines.


Justine • Jan 5, 2020
The only tests that the line hardly shows on at all is the cheap 1$ tests. Every other test immediately clear as day is positive. I’ve always been told the cheap ones are the most sensitive tho