Trouble with intimacy

Okay so I need to vent so here it goes nothing:

So my husband and I have been trying for a baby 8 months now and no luck. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the removal of my IUD and my hormones still being out of whack I suppose. Any who, planning for a baby has become more of a job than anything. Now we find ourselves hardly being intimate because it’s just turned into work now ya know. I hate that is is but it’s what’s happened now. What’s lately been bugging me is I’ve been feeling so insecure lately. I no longer feel desirable. It didn’t help that fact that I checked his search engine on his phone and I found that he’s been watching porn more than he has been making any advanced to me at all. I literally have to be the one to ask him if he’s in the mood or it’s me who’s trying to get intimate with him. It feels very one sided and I’m really in my head about it now. It sucks... can anyone else relate or have any advice?