New pregnancy or no?

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

Okay guys, I’m sorry I know I’ve posted a lot and I’m losing my damn mind. Had a D&C December 6th, I was 11 weeks. Throughout the course of the weeks I’ve been taking tests to finally see my negative. It took FOREVER! Or what felt like it. But I’ll show you it here.

Well then after this test I tested again that evening and got a friggen faint positive.... wtf right? I’ll add this test here was FMU and the faint positive was sooo diluted as I had had so much water throughout the day. A couple litres at least.

Faint positive is the second one where you can see the faintest line. I try not to over think it because it’s taken soooo sooo long to even get the faintest positive and literally went from like blazing blazing positives on FRERS to this finally. I decide to take a FRER the next day at night and got the faintest line so I figured where they are more sensitive than these maybe it was a sign my levels were going down again and regulating so I thought nothing of it. Just annoyance once again as I want my rainbow baby and things need to go back to normal in order for that to happen. I decide to take one two days later and much to my surprise, ITS DARKER!!! Like WTF.

You can see the obvious difference in the bottom one. So FINALLY I said enough is enough and went to the doctor. He did a blood draw on me and my levels are 86. So now we aren’t sure if it’s a new pregnancy or left over tissue in me like I’ve thought all along :(! So 48 hours I get a blood draw and then have an ultrasound for either another D&C or to figure out if this is new pregnancy, not the right location, etc. SO afterward I decided to take another test when I left the hospital because my friend said take the tests at the same time each day. So I took a test the same time as I did the one two days ago and these were my results.

Top one was tonight and diluted urine as well (which is why it’s not completely as dark as the one this am) and bottom was two nights ago. It’s noticeably darker in person I just couldn’t capture a good pic. So my question for you guys is.... do you think it’s possible to be a new pregnancy after all?? Like I’m convinced there’s no effing way considering how long it took me to see a negative then still see a positive that night and such. I’m beyond confused as I feel like my levels are fluctuating. A lot of people are saying new pregnancy but I don’t see how honestly. Thanks for listening and thank you so much for your advice.