Cried using cup first time..


I’ve had a menstrual cup sitting in my bathroom cupboard for months now. I’ve been saying I’ll use it and every time my period comes I chicken out and revert back to my period panties. Today I finally had the guts to try it, but it didn’t go smoothly..

It surprisingly only took two tries to get it in, and it felt a little weird at first, but for the rest of the day I couldn’t even feel it. The only thing that bothered me was the mild anxiety of knowing I would have to take it out.. which also took a surprisingly short amount of time.

However, getting it in and out were not a fun experience at all. My first go at getting it in my hand slipped and it popped open too soon. I swear it felt like it ripped me open in the process. I had to sit down and have a cry for a second before gathering myself back to try again. The worst part I think was taking it out though. I couldn’t reach it at first so I dug a little deeper and started to bear down pretty good. I managed to get a very uncomfortable grip on it and wiggle it a little more than half way out. But holy crap, the feeling of it popping out of me was so horrible. I sat on the toilet frozen and crying for a good minute.

Could my cup be too big? I’m using the smaller sized Divacup. I couldn’t feel it at all once it settled inside me. Do I just have to get used to it? I’ve committed to just using period panties for the night and I’m debating on trying again tomorrow.

Any advice would help. I’m just trying to do my part for the environment!