Sleep regression or leap... or both?

Tahnaya • 25. 💍👼🏼👼🏼 👧🏼 👼🏼 👶🏼

We are nearing the end of leap 4 (13 days to go and counting!) and I thought we were also dealing with the 4 month sleep regression as LO was waking up almost every hour for a couple weeks. Last week she was sleeping pretty well, would take about 5mins to rock and then I’d put her down “drowsy” and she’d put herself to sleep. Well this week she is taking forever to put to sleep and is better off sleeping in my arms as she can’t put herself to sleep in her cot anymore. Sometimes I rock her for up to an hour (or more if I put her down then have to pick her up again)... is this the sleep regression getting worse before it gets better, or leap 4 getting worse before it gets better? I thought we were nearing the end but now this 😩 all the work I put into getting her to sleep on her own seems wasted and I’m going to have to start over 😩

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