She’s here!!!


My baby girl has arrived. A little back story, I had a preventative cerclage places at 14 weeks. I was scheduled to have a c-section & cerclage removed as well as a tubal on January 9th........Friday January 3rd I went into labor and delivered because I thought I was having braxtons but this time they lead to strong headaches which concerned me. Turns out I was having consistent strong contraction. The nurse comes in says they been monitoring my contractions at the front and that she phoned my doctor and it looks like I’ll be having a c-section tonight. From there things went so fast and I wasn’t prepared to go into surgery that night. It felt like a dream. They prepared me and had me on the table for surgery within two hours. Mila Jade was born at 38.1 weeks healthy as can be weighting 7 pounds 3 Oz!!! We are so in love with her 🥰