Stomach burn???


Y’all my pregnancy pillow is heaven sent!!! I don’t use it as much as I would like to because I KNOW it takes up more than half the bed but BAEBE. My back was on fire tonight so we pulled it out. I was KO early af forgot to take my prenatals, didn’t FaceTime my baby girl 🥴 Twins said “NO MA’MA.. get up & feed us” so I’m up... feeding them ☺️

So as I’m eating the spaghetti I stop 🛑 MID CHEW because I realize my stomach is burning!! Hasn’t happened before! Is this another form of heartburn? It hurts really bad. I stopped eating but my tummy is still growling and I’m scared 😟.

I’m 27 weeks 4 days expecting boy/girl twins by the way due 4/1 then told Mid March 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️