Pelvic pain


So it is now 7:36am and I have been awake since 4am cause at first my hips were sore. Okay, no big deal, body is getting ready for baby girl’s arrival. To ease the soreness (didn’t hurt, just knew it was there), I got in the tub. Well, I started to get pain in my crotch/pelvic area. I got out, took Tylenol and tried to lay back down. So... that helped for about a half hour and then I was awoken with the pain again.

On the 26th this pain last 6-7 hours and then went to my back but in triage they told me nothing was happening and it was my body getting used to the growing baby. They didn’t check me for effacement or dilation while I was at triage though. So I’m assuming it is the same thing now, she is getting into position and getting ready. I’m terrified to call my doctor for it though because the nurses at triage weren’t nice and I felt stupid for going.

Has anyone else been experiencing the uncomfortableness in their crotch?