should I tell him I like him? and does he like me back?

so basically i’ve known this boy for two years. we’ve really grown closer and he’s my best guy friend. for the past month now all i’ve been thinking about is him. At first I just pranked him and his response to that was that he didn’t see me that way. I was fine but after that we started to flirting more. he would come to my locker and push me around and just mess with me. he’d text me randomly with corny pickup lines and we would text each other pickup lines back and fourth. after that i started asking for more hugs and I may be overreacting but i felt like he hugged me longer and tighter but i’m not sure. I do like him and I could picture us being more but it’s like I’m not scared of rejection because I know that it’s gonna eventually happen to me but like I’m scared that it’ll ruin our friendship if I do tell him and if he doesn’t like me back. please give me feedback on what you think I should do.