What diapers will you be using?


I haven’t decided on what brand diapers I will be using for my baby.

I used Huggies with my son first few weeks after he was born but then switched to pampers because of the price.

Then he broke out into a bad rash and so we switched to LuVs.

After he got older we started using Our store brand (Heb) they were a lot softer, and leak proof and better price. So maybe we will use them with her 🤔

We did try Walmart brand but it was too plasticky texture and would leak. (Idk if that made sense)

Can’t remember if we used Target brand or not 🧐

I know there’s so many different brands and was just curious on which ones everyone was using. And why.

I wanted to see if she will be ok in like a top brand like Huggies or pampers since I can purchase them thru amazon and have it on auto ship which would be one less thing to worry about running out and having to go to store.

Lmk what you Ladies are doing 😇

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