Need advice

Hey ladies i could use some advice on some things that have been giving me anxiety from constantly being on my mind. We (myself and husband) have been thinking about child care when baby boy arrives and we both agreed that we would rather have my parents be the main source of childcare, along with my aunt who has an in home day care. I don’t trust my FIL to watch the baby because he drinks heavily, smokes cigarettes, and his house is absolutely disgusting with a foul odor. The thing that has been making me anxious is when the time comes and FIL asks to babysit/have baby over, how to go about explaining that i don’t trust him without causing a ton of drama. My husband is not great with confrontation at all and tends to just ignore things when it comes to his father because he’s never really been close to/had a great relationship with, so i know the conversation is going to end up falling on me or we are going to seem like we’re just avoiding him. I’ve already had to have a few conversations about the comments my FIL has made about kissing the baby/clearly disrespecting or joking about boundaries i will be setting when the time comes, which makes me super nervous leaving him alone with my son along with the drinking and smoking. I’m a FTM so i don’t want to seem super overprotective but i don’t know how to not be overprotective of this little guy that i’ve been growing 😞 any advice would help