New pregnancy?! Or left over HCG?

Jess • Wife in 2019💍🤵👰. Mum to 13y - 💙 , 1yr - 💜 Stepmum 15y & 21y 💙💙 expecting No.5 😆 Nov '22 💚🤰

Found out 8th Dec I had a MMC.

Started bleeding 12th Dec.

Bled for 2 weeks.

HCG checked 21st Dec was 168. 23rd 109 (or around there)

Surely HCG should be gone by now??

Today I was told to take a test to check its negative.

It wasnt.

We had unprotected sex on xmas day 😬

Gotta retest next wednesday. If still positive they'll check my HCG again.

My mind is running wild!